Another questionnaire is the Early Intervention Gambling Health Test, a brief screen that has been validated in primary care settings (Potenza, Fiellin, Heninger, Rounsaville, & Mazure, 2002.
Gambling Intervention Script
The EIGHT Screen is a brief problem gambling screen originally designed for use by family doctors. Its wider use indicated the need for further validation. A triangulated approach used a range of measures in different settings in both the current study and findings from a number of earlier projects, and reviewed current use. The EIGHT Screen had acceptable correlations with the SOGS (r = 74–90%) and with the NODS-12 months Screen (r = 62.4%). Measurements remained relatively constant amongst a range of cultures, settings, age and gender, while few false positives were produced by the screen. The EIGHT Screen appears to be a valid tool for untrained users to identify Level 2 and 3 problem gambling in a wide range of cultures and settings.
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Gambling Intervention Programs
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